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Monday, November 2 at 10:00am

I’m tired of hearing all these empty promises and carrots on sticks from Charlie, Rob and Don to win votes. It’s getting crazy and its distracting from the real issues that we are all facing in Saskatoon.


There are serious issues with over taxing and over spending.

There are serious issues with rising crime and safety on our streets.

City Hall is broken. Communication is failing and City Hall is not responsive to citizens or businesses when we come with our complaints. I know, that’s why I am standing here. The City and the Mayor ignored my calls, emails, and requests for answers to MY questions for years!! I literally ran out of avenues and took to holding a sign on a street corner to get attention. The decision making is not fair and it seems accountability has left the building, as the Star Phoenix reported last week:

“The annual civic survey served residents well and represented a high mark for transparency, removing from politicians and administrators the excuse that they were unaware of taxpayers’ priorities. Of course, city hall got rid of it, at least in terms of an annual survey. For a council that stumbled pretty much every time it tried to consult residents or pretended to do so over the last four years, it should come as no surprise that the most impressive measure to gauge people’s opinions has also been diminished.” – StarPhoenix article –

I have heard lots of rumours of private polls that are saying that this is the closest race ever between 6 candidates. Our research tells the same.

I can tell you that there’s a Dark Horse coming up the middle in the homestretch. If you back this horse, you won’t be taking a gamble.

We need to get back to basics.

So, I have 3 commitments to lay out to you.

1. I will show leadership and stop taking on debt during the pandemic.

2. I will show leadership and will forge strong working relationships with our police force, our fire service and our community-based organizations to keep our streets and our people safe from harm.

3. I will show leadership to overcome management issues at City Hall. There is too much wasted money in departments and not enough service for taxpayers. The City should serve the taxpayers, not the taxpayers serving the City.


I will work hard every day to earn your trust and to make Saskatoon a safe city for all residents.

I have life experience from the military, as a planner, in construction, as an entrepreneur, and as a hardworking and actively concerned citizen of Saskatoon.

There’s work to be done

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