Charlie Clark’s Election Promises

Media Conference – November 6, 2020, Saskatoon

As a Mayoral Candidate, I have always put forward policies and ideas that I believe in and that can be enacted. Unfortunately I cannot say the same for Charlie Clark, who has consistently made election claims and promises that he has no intention of following through with.

Some examples from 2016 include:

  1. Clark’s September 16, 2016 campaign commitment to save the city ½ a BILLION dollars.

This was going to be done by better planning – growing up not sprawling out, by a real focus on infill development. He said he was going to SMASH infill targets.  I was there cheering him on as I knew this was VITAL  and would really make a huge impact  in our city in so many areas –  crime , safety, infrastructure costs  and debt management!

Infill development and attainable housing targets are the most critical things that we need to be focusing on. Instead of lower the targets to make it look like they are being achieved, you should be working harder to meet the targets that you actually have.

2. Clark’s October 24, 2016 campaign commitment to oppose shifting the tax burden from businesses onto residents. 

He used this as a major wedge issue in the 2016 campaign and even went as far as getting a local business owner on video to say it was a bad move and creating a 2 ½  minute animated explainer video that he invested in pushing out via social media.

On March 28, 2017 he voted FOR the shift from Business to Homeowners – and when questioned he denied that he was going against his campaign promise.

3. The Library & Job Claims 2020 

More recently, in his defence of the library, he has invested money in ads with the claim that the library will create 1,000 construction jobs .  He has mentioned this claim  at every debate and in doing so he infers that these 1000 jobs are going to be local construction jobs – right here in Saskatoon.

In the 2020 Saskatoon main library cost and funding plan it says

“In the new central library business case, the economic impact assessment estimates the construction of a new central library will contribute approximately $132 million to Canada’s gross domestic product (GDP) and create 1,043 full-time equivalent jobs in Canada over three years. Nearly 70% of this economic benefit will occur in Saskatchewan. “

Nowhere does it say 1,000 construction jobs – and certainly nowhere does it say how many jobs will be in Saskatoon!! What it does say is that less than 70% of the economic benefit will be in Saskatchewan ….so I’d like to know what these numbers really are and what the direct economic benefits are to Saskatoon – wouldn’t you?

Source :

Are These The Qualities You Want In A Mayor? 

Can’t keep a promise 


Does the things he accuses others of doing? 

“It is time for a change at the top so we can work together from the bottom up. 

And by bottom I mean getting to the bottom of things at City Hall.” Cary Tarasoff

My 3 Commitments

  1. I will show leadership and stop taking on debt during the pandemic.
  2. I will show leadership and will forge strong working relationships with our police force, our fire service and our community-based organizations to keep our streets and our people safe from harm.
  3. I will show leadership and work with Council to overcome management issues at City Hall. There is too much wasted money in departments and not enough service for taxpayers. The City should serve the taxpayers, not the taxpayers serving the City.

I will respect your hard-earned money and you can trust me to spend it like it was my hard earned money.

Video OF Media Conference – November 6th 2020


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