City Solicitor’s Office responds to Prairieland questions

A concerned citizen of Saskatoon posed some legitimate questions to his City Councillor, who then involved the City Solicitor. This citizen then forwarded the response to me. I have provided the complete response by Cindy Yelland, City Solicitor, below.

Ms. Yelland’s response of “that decision is really something that is under the direction and control of Prairieland Park” is NOT NECESSARILY TRUE. Per the lease between The City of Saskatoon and Saskatoon Prairieland Exhibition Corporation :

5.02 Approval of Additional Development Plan All Additional Development Plans for the Additional Development, and any addition, alteration or improvement thereto, are subject to the prior written approval of the Council of the City, and the provisions of paragraph 4.02 respecting the approval of Plans shall be applicable hereto mutatis mutandis.”

Now paragraph 4.02 does say “All Plans for the Development, and any addition, alteration or improvement thereto, are subject to the prior written approval of the Council of the City. Provided the Plans comply with paragraph 8.01 hereof, the City agrees that such approval shall not be arbitrarily or unreasonably withheld. In the event that Prairieland disputes any decision of the City pursuant to this paragraph, it is expressly agreed that such dispute shall be settled through arbitration pursuant to the provisions of The Arbitration Act of the Province of Saskatchewan, and that settlement in such fashion shall be final and binding upon the City and Prairieland.

And paragraph 8.01 does say “The Exhibition Grounds shall not be used for any purpose other than the facilitation and promotion in the City of Saskatoon, and North-Central Saskatchewan, of agriculture, industry, education, culture, entertainment and sporting activities, and all things necessary and incidental thereto, including all those activities which a society within the meaning of The Agricultural Societies Act of the Province of Saskatchewan is authorized to undertake, and, in further consideration of this Lease, Prairieland agrees that it shall so facilitate and promote all such activities. Except as is expressly provided in this Agreement, Prairieland shall not use the Exhibition Grounds or permit them to be used for any other purpose, and, without limitation, Prairieland shall not permit or suffer any industrial or residential use of the Exhibition Grounds.

But approving the soccer stadium is at the detriment of Marquis Downs. So technically, it goes against “Prairieland agrees that it shall so facilitate and promote all such activities.” THERE IS ROOM FOR A SOCCER STADIUM WITHOUT TOUCHING MARQUIS DOWNS.

And then you know all about the zoning issues. Plus the fact that a business licence was likely granted to Sports on Tap (or even the World Trade Center) while they were in violation of zoning. Per the The Business Licence Bylaw, 2021:

14. (1) A licence will not be issued pursuant to this Bylaw for any business or any premises occupied by a business that does not comply with all zoning, building, plumbing and other City, provincial and federal requirements.

Good Morning,  I am not sure what your specific questions were but we have had a number of questions from others and I can offer the following information.  The City understands that the horse racing community is upset with the decision of Prairieland Park to cancel the 2021 Marquis Downs season and we can understand your concern in that regard, but that decision is really something that is under the direction and control of Prairieland Park.  We would suggest you reach out to them to discuss the specifics of their decision.  With respect to the zoning of Prairieland Park the City is not aware of any contraventions of the zoning bylaw at Prairieland Park.  In addition, the allowed uses under the Lease are quite wide and the City is not aware that any activities are taking place at Prairieland Park in contravention of the Lease.  If you have additional questions please contact me.  Thank you.  Cindy Yelland
City Solicitor’s Office responds to Prairieland questions

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