I Am So Grateful

Running as a candidate to be the Mayor of Saskatoon has been an amazing experience.

I owe the biggest thanks to my wife Sherry, my campaign manager, for believing in me and my ideas for our city.


A Campaign With a Conscience.  

We elected to do our campaign differently. Instead of producing large disposable media that would just end up in landfill (signs, flyers, etc.) we opted to go digital. We worked diligently for months, publishing large numbers of detailed platform pieces in the campaign website so voters in a pandemic could see alternatives from the safety of their homes if need be.

Sherry and I also did not want donations from others.  It felt wrong to ask for money when so many are struggling financially.  Also, we believe wholeheartedly in my message, so why should we ask someone else to fund that effort? Finally, we did not want to be owing anyone for large donations. This means that right now, on the eve of the Saskatoon’s 2020 civic election, I represent everyone equally as a result.

I am grateful for all those of you that wanted to donate to my campaign and when I politely declined, you took up the suggestion and still went ahead and donated to a local charity in need. I count that as a big win for us all!

The Campaign Momentum Has Been Growing So Rapidly in the last 4 weeks  

Thank you to Sara at Trusted Marketing Services for stepping in to assist in getting my platform and my message to all of you, and for her vote, her first vote in a civic election as a Canadian citizen.

Thank you to 10,000’s of you that have taken your time to go to my website carytarasoff.ca. Whether you choose to vote for me or not, I appreciate you as an engaged fellow citizen taking the time to consider me.

My social media posts have been seen 100,000’s of times, and I appreciate all those that spread the word and shared my posts with their networks. I want to thank the 100’s of you from all walks of life that directly reached out to me via social media, email, and on the phone to ask questions, to offer donations and to offer your time to volunteer.

I appreciate the 100’s of people who have taken the time to notify me that they have already voted for me in the advance polls, including the on-air announcement during the Brent Loucks Show last week.

So many different groups have pledged support to me, new immigrants, indigenous, people in service for the city in fire, police and even those in city hall that are desperate for change. I have received so many emails from curlers looking for help, other veterans, horse owners, engineers, railway workers, and many seniors that are worried about their futures. I have also heard from construction workers in quarantine who are unable to vote tomorrow due to poor Covid planning by City Hall.

So many of you voted for change last election and feel that you were let down. Many first-time voters have let me know they have my vote. It’s a real mix of first-time voters too: those who have come of age, others are new Canadians or Saskatonians and others simply had no desire to vote before. This is especially humbling. I value all votes, of course, but a ‘first ever vote’ from someone is pretty special for everyone involved!

Are You Still Undecided On Who to Vote For OR If To Bother Voting At All?

If you are one of the many undecided voters, please go to my website carytarasoff.ca and learn about who I am and what I stand for. In the last election, only 40% of eligible voters cast their ballot.  We should want to do better Saskatoon! I implore you to please step up and vote for people who believe in you and want to work for you. I am in the top mix of the 6 candidates. There are NO clear and certain winners in this election, so now more than ever, I need as much extra help as I can get.

If I have proven myself to you, I would sincerely appreciate your vote tomorrow.  

But stay safe to do so please.

Contact me if you have any more questions.  I am standing by.

You can trust that I say what I mean and that I mean what I say.

There is work to be done!

Cary Tarasoff

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