Dates that I presented to City Council:
- Planning and Development Committee, 5 September 2017, item 6.3.1
- Planning and Development Committee, 14 January 2019, item 8.1.2
- Planning and Development Committee, 11 June 2019, item 7.1.3
- Regular City Council Agenda, 24 June 2019, item 8.1.5
These all relate to a genuine life and death risk to public safety, yet the letter below is the official response from the City of Saskatoon.
If Mayor Clark, the City General Manager, and the City Solicitor consider this matter dealt with and the issue completely closed, perhaps they can finally clarify what aspects they feel have been suitably dealt with?
Outstanding questions relate to:
- The improper mapping by the City of the Chemical Buffer and how this relates to the Chief Mistawasis Bridge or the proposed new business development on the east river bank.
- That the City has developed and sold lands and then approved the subsequent developments without clearly indicating to these entities that they now exist in an area requiring a special “shelter in place” plan be ready at any moment to protect their own lives.
- The breaching by the City themselves of the Zoning Bylaw and the Health and Safety Act when the City held a large public assembly event on the Chief Mistawasis Bridge even without any proper safety information or protocols in place to save those unknowing attendees if a lethal chemical release took place nearby.
- That City officials have given knowingly false statements at Planning Boards and City Council concerning this issue.
- That the City’s own solicitor was present for various occasions where these City officials gave knowingly false information and they failed to openly comment to correct this on the record.
Mayor Clark, you have a lot of explaining to do. You have repeatedly dodged
your responsibility on all this matter for more than 2 years now. But if the buck
stops with you as you claim, then its time you show you are a leader and not just
an empty suit.