Ever drive around the city and notice abandoned shopping carts? Perhaps a significant distance from wherever they originated from even? Sometimes a gaggle of them over here, and another along the rail tracks over there. How can companies afford to find and bring them back to use at that business? With rampant street issues driving this further and faster than ever before, I believe the City of Saskatoon can do a small thing to help those businesses on the front lines of the social issues on our streets. We could have the civic grounds department dedicate a two-person team and a lift truck to respond to calls when received, to go gather these abandoned carts and to drop them off at the business they belong to. As a good municipal government gesture, supporting business being financially hit through this activity, we clean up our streets and also show business that we are going to start caring about their hardships. Only abandoned shopping carts will be picked up and a general phone number for this will be up on the City of Saskatoon home page to help people report them when seen.